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As the brilliant sun rose in the early morn,
The tiny daisy awoke
And lifting her petals merrily upward
She greeted the new day
Copyright 1997, Hana Robinson
A man (M) and a lady (L) who are very much in love and devoted to one another are separated by a river with no way of getting across to the other side.
On L's side of the river, there is a boatman (B) who is able to take her over to the other side of the river but refuses to do so unless she pays him a price of $20, twice his normal fare. L has no money.
Another man (S) then tells L that he will give her $20 if she sleeps with him. L agrees to do so and upon receiving the $20, pays B who takes her over to the other side of the river. She is reunited with M and they are very happy together.
However, a friend of M (F) finds out what L did with S and immediately tells M. On learning the news, M finds L and ends things with her, stating that he wants nothing more to do with her.
Your task is to rank these five people, M, L, B, S, and F, from best to worst. i.e. best person to worst person.
Don't read any further until you've finished the 1-5. If you do, you'll miss the whole point. When you do finish, scroll down and read on.
The order which you've ranked the five people is supposed to represent the importance that you place on different things in your life. 1 being the most important, and 5 being the least. The letters stand for:
M - Morality
S - Sex
L - Love
B - Business
F - Friends
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