Hewwo! We are Tsukiko and Cherrie, the Twin Clouds! Our purpose in setting up this 'lil page is partially to link angels together, that is provide them with a keypal service! So you can either sign yourself up or take a look at who else is looking for a keypal just like you!
So, what do you have to do? Just sign up your name on our Dreambook, putting a short description of yourself in the comments section. Or view our Dreambook and email the people who've already signed up! Okie?
Planet Cherrie!
TSuKiKO's PlAyhOuSe!

New Service!

Become an "angel" of the Twin Clouds club and you'll get to enjoy special privileges! Right now we only have one... *smile sweetly* but there'll be more to come! Make a dedication to someone special... wish them happy birthday, wish them good luck.. or just show them you care! ;) *BUT* you have to be an angel to enjoy this special service! Just fill in this form to become an angel... and then you can go make your dedications here! Just sign up now and we'll email you your password within a week. In the meantime, you can make your dedications by filling in the "password" box with "newangel". Got that? Okie!

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This Twinclouds Webring Site is owned by Twin Clouds.

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You are angel # to drop in since 19th May, 1997!
Any questions or comments? Email us at twinclouds@hotmail.com