I guess I should give out the obligatory personal info. I'm a human from planet dirt. I'm mated, and have two descendant units. The oldest of which has graduated from Social Interaction Studies Phase 3 recently. Also an Egyptian God figure whom we worship. I'll get a picture of him up as soon as possible. We also have a puppy now. He's turned out to be fairly smart and is learning a few tricks." Come! " of course is not one of them.
I raise phototropic beings for pleasure and consumption. My mate and I also preserve phototropic organisms for later consumption. Many ( OK, about five in the year I've been online ) people have wondered about my "handle". Its a family name. The descendant units would rub my abdomen and chant " Lovetroll!, Lovetroll! " Go figure? I am also known as the GREAT and MIGHTY OZ! for much the same reason without the abdomen rubbing. Some time ago I "temporarily" gave up the Evil Overlord business and decided to become a net bandit so, Please be kind and sign my guest book so I can visit you and steal yer stuff! Doh!! I mean recover my legitimate creations as laid out in my copyright heh heh heh!
My Guest book
My Guest book