You'll find this geoguide on all my pages. If its not here geocities puts in a popup window or a wait page with advertisments. Well you get what you pay for.

My Dads Truck Welcome,Welcome, Enjoy your stay at Lovetrolls Boardwalk Cafe. Your waitress will be along. Please select your entree from the menu below. Non-Alcoholic beverages and two vegetables and salad included.


10% tip added to check. Welcome to my corner of cyberspace. This site is a collection of things that amuse me. And my daughter. My daughter doesn't find this amusing, my daughter amuses me. These pages are not meant to be useful or thought provoking. Herein you'll find humor, music, girls, and a rant about that lowest of the low ( No!, not Disc jockeys ) Lawyers!!

I guess I should give out the obligatory personal info. I'm a human from planet dirt. I'm mated, and have two descendant units. The oldest of which has graduated from Social Interaction Studies Phase 3 recently. Also an Egyptian God figure whom we worship. I'll get a picture of him up as soon as possible. We also have a puppy now. He's turned out to be fairly smart and is learning a few tricks." Come! " of course is not one of them.

I raise phototropic beings for pleasure and consumption. My mate and I also preserve phototropic organisms for later consumption. Many ( OK, about five in the year I've been online ) people have wondered about my "handle". Its a family name. The descendant units would rub my abdomen and chant " Lovetroll!, Lovetroll! " Go figure? I am also known as the GREAT and MIGHTY OZ! for much the same reason without the abdomen rubbing. Some time ago I "temporarily" gave up the Evil Overlord business and decided to become a net bandit so, Please be kind and sign my guest book so I can visit you and steal yer stuff! Doh!! I mean recover my legitimate creations as laid out in my copyright heh heh heh!

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This site last updated 1/23/98 for those who want to save every incarnation of this page while saving on disk space.
©1997,1998, Alan Spik, The brother of a genius! You really can't judge a book by its cover.