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My name is Katy, AKA Kitty214. Even though the pic above is a little old, you still get the general idea. For more outdated pictures, My birthday is in April, which makes me an Aries, and I currently live in the great state of Texas. I am an alumni of Schreiner University and will be attending graduate school within the next year or so. My life revolves around those I love - my friends, family, my cocker spaniel Madison, and my one true love, Jason. We will be married next year after nearly 8 years of dating. So, that is it, in a nutshell. Look around, at your leisure. Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for taking a couple minutes of your life to read my little page. I would like to mention now that I don't claim any of these pictures (except for the pics of me and my friends) so take them - share the wealth! Like it? Hate it? Write me and tell me why!!!
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