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Hi! Welcome to my world!

 As you will soon discover,  my greatest passion is carousel horses.   You know,  a carousel is a lot
like LIFE... full of ups and downs.  Sometimes we feel like we are just going around in circles and
getting nowhere.  But think about it.........have you ever seen an UGLY carousel horse?   They are much
like people.. beautiful if you just take the time to look at them.   This is my philosphy in life.  I try to
always see the beauty in everyone.  That sure makes the ride a lot of fun!!!    The following are a
few of my favorites.  Most are Illions..I love those horses with their flying wild golden manes!!!

Thanks for stopping by! You can contact me on ICQ # 7485824 or by email.
Hope to see you again soon!

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at

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