Updated 7/14/02: 
Time: 2:45PM
Currently Listening to: Anastasia- One Day in Your Life
Eating: Nothing
Drinking: Nothing
Talking to: Kristen & Ryan
Mood: Laaaaazzzzy
Last Movie Watched: Donnie Darko- this movie's messed up, if you see it you have to watch it twice or more to understand it better.
Last CD Listened To: Britney Spears- Britney
Current Book(s): Mama Gena's School of Womanly Arts: Using the Power of Pleasure to Have Your Way With the World-  Regina Thomashauer & The Vampire Lestat- Anne Rice
Dreaming of:
upcoming vacation!!!! YAY!!! :)
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ok, just so you know, i got an email saying my site gets lots of traffic, so sometimes it doesn't work... that sucks :( and i don't think it's going to let me add much more.. i may have to get rid of old stuff to put up new stuff at some point. Stupid geocities!!!! i need something with unlimited space, maybe i'll just steal Ryan's cuz he doesn't seem to be doing much with his ;) Or maybe some friends of mine who HOST things that are fast as ROCKETS will help me out sometime ;)  Anyways!...
Okay, time for an update!  Chrissy and i recently came back from NH where we stayed with Ryan's Aunt & Uncle. it was lotsa fun, but the best part was getting to see Britney in Boston! and we only got lost in Boston once... which was very bad. But we made it with plenty of time before she came on stage. Next up,  it's my 20th b'day on July 8th- woohoo! and then at the end of July, i'm going away with Ryan & his family to Maryland & DC, and then the day after we get back is the DMB concert! i'll try to keep adding new pictures & new sections, especially now that i am becoming so Photoshop literate =)
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Jenn & her new family
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