Welcome To The Place Where....
All Things Come Together!
Are you looking for a site where you can discuss topics and voice your opinion and be heard? A site where you can ask for advice and recieve real honest help without the fear of your most intimate secrets being plastered all over " The Most Embarrasing Moments" section of some magazine? A site where you can find out what's going on around you in the world? A site where you can meet interesting (not perverted) people on the web and around the country? Well, If you answered yes to any of these questions, Surf no more, because you have found what you are surfing for! This site is designed with the Teen/Young Adult (you) in mind. This site will be all that you want it to be. You will be able to come and talk about anything that you are faced with today. Anything! And believe it or not, you will get an honest response personally sent to you, held confidential. This site will feature tests, games, exercises, and anything you can imagine. This site will be the soul result of your input. Remember this site is designed exclusively for you, the Teen/Young Adult. It can't exist without you. So if you have any sugestions as to what to include on the site or what you would like help on, email the suggestion to me.
Here are a few topics that I have decided to add to this site.
- Your_Weekly_Topic"
- Your_Health_Questions"
- Your_Relationship_Advice"
- Your_Fashion_Editor"
- Your_Showcase"
- Your_Friend_Connections"
- Your_School_Zone"
- Your_View_Around_you"
- Your_Comments_and_Suggestions"
- Your_Weekly_Topic"
- Every week I will post a new Hot topic for discussion. If you would like to comment simply send the response via email.
- Your_Health_Questions"
- Any questions you may have pertaining to you, your body, and your health, Here's the place to ask.
- Your_Relationship_Advice"
- Problems with that special someone? Maybe I can help (via email)
- Your_Fashion_Editor"
- What's in, What's out, and What's you!
- Your_Showcase"
- What you do, What you've done; Where you've been, or Where you're going, Your Achievements or your goals. We would like to know.
- Your_Friend_Connections"
- Where You get to meet people, simply tell me what your looking for and I'll Hook It UP! (with your permission, of course!)
- Your_School_Zone"
- Whether your having problems or having fun, lets talk.
- Your_View_Around_you"
- What's going on around you, What would you like to talk about.
- Your_Comments_and_Suggestions"
- Your advice to me! What you like and What you don't! What I should keep and What I should Trash!
Links to other sites on the Web
Testing Yourself
A Taste Of A Different View
Well Isn't That Cute!
Find Out Who You Are
Tricks! Not For Kids, But For Your Eyes
Fall Into The Zone
Not only is this site for YOU, but it's about YOU. And that's About Time!
© 1997 crystalnmccullers@email.com
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