Hi...My name is Kerry..aka Kewwie..I'am 17 years old.. I live in Pennsylvaniaaaaaaaa.. where I attend Valley High School for a half a day...going to the 12th grade...I'm lookin for adventure!! Class of 2000 YAHHH BABYYYYY!! In the mornings... 8am to 11am...I attend Cosmetology school...then i go over to Valley ...I really hate school...but I gots to do it...cosmo is fun....ummm I finally got a job... I had two but I dumped one...I'm a MAID GODDAMNIT! :) its all good... Its been so long since I updated this page... hmmmmmm |
My interest.....would be music...mostly alternative with a dash of rap...favorite all round bands would be...ORGY!!!...beastie boys.. ...GreenDay..Limpbizkit..KoRn....Nirvana..Creed..and Pink Floyd...I also like boys...driving...I just got my permit on my b-day.I LOVE to drive....and once I master the art of parking..(i'll have my licsense).. another lie...since I don't have a job....there will be no parking, driving or anything with a vechicle. |