Welcome to the Thespians
Hey, come
on in, we're glad you could make it. Take off your shoes and stay awhile. This is the
official page for the Newcomerstown Thespians. Here you will find information on our
latest and past productions, rehearsal schedules, and maybe even a picture or two if
you're lucky. Read about the latest productions. or look up info on your favorite
thespian, or former thespian, in our Alumni section.
So take a look around, and remember to sign the Guestbook.
Hey guys, it's Corey. I know I haven't been very good updating this page in
the last few months, and seeing as how I'm going to OSU in September, it's not
likely to get much better. So here's the deal, if any of you think you have the
time to keep up this website than email
me and let me know. I'd like to see this thing live on for many years after
we're gone. -Corey

Contact Information
some information so you can contact the Thespians, should you need to do so. If you need
to mail something, please address it to:
Newcomerstown High School
c/o BJ McFadden
659 South Beaver Street
Newcomerstown, Ohio 43832
- Electronic mail
- Webmaster: Corey
Spring - corman_2002@yahoo.com
- Director: BJ McFadden - McFaddenB@nct.k12.oh.us
Corey Spring - 46264960
Sign Our Guestbook
A Message from the Webmaster (Corey)
This site was last updated on August 11, 2002
This site best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 at 800x600