Hey Everybody!!! Welcome to my Spot!!!!!

My name is Red and I am a 47 year old African American "Precious_Jewel" who enjoys writing poetry and lyrics, singing, reading, listening to all types of music, and surfing the web. I reside in the Beautiful "Garden State", New Jersey,
I originally started this page as "joypeachs" on my son, Kevin's webtv classic, He went away for a week to a family gathering, and thats when I became addicted to the worldwide web. When he returned, he was surprised to see me taking interest in the web, but upset at the same time because I was taking away his web and Playstation time so I buckled and bought my own and adopted the nics Divine_Essence, PreciousJewel36, and MsJoya on October 16th 1999, I became a computer owner and am now also on line as RedGyrl37Thanks Alot WEBTV!!! lol.
I'm a "Sexy Sagittarian" who loves life. I love to write poetry and you can check some of it out within these pages...I'm a down to earth person who can spot a phoney from miles away. If you are in need, I am usually willing to give my last, well, half of my last at least (lol) I spend alot of my spare time writing poetry and lyrics, listening to music, surfing the web, listening to Wendy Williams & Michael Baisden on the radio and obsessing over "American Idol" (whatever season...hehehe) and a few other reality TV shows. I don't chat much anymore but when I do, My favorite room is Ebony Black40Plus on the TalkCity site..... I also love to keep up with current events and write alot of letters to the editor of the local news groups. Yes, I have a poison pen..hehe. Those who know me know that the last 10 years have resulted in big changes in my life. It started with me losing my Mother and Grandmother within 30 days of each other in 1999, If you have experienced loss, you can relate to the empty feeling I've had since their passing. I really miss them; then 9/11/2001 happened and my life changed again, no, I wasn't in the Towers, but I watched them fall from the office building I work in and I have never felt the same safeness and security I felt before this horrible attack.

I began looking at life in a whole new perspective on March 26th 2008; that was the day after my Grandson, Khalid, at age 2 1/2, was diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroblastoma. He is currently in the Bone Marrow Transplant unit at Duke University Hospital in Durham, North Carolina. You can visit his webpage @
I have decided to update my page to help bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and other Childhood Cancers.

What is Neuroblastoma?
"A leading childhood form of cancer that arises in the adrenal gland or in tissue in the nervous system that is related to the adrenal gland. Neuroblastoma is the most common solid tumor outside the brain in infants and children. It is often present at birth but usually is not detected until later in infancy or childhood.. The most common symptoms are the result of pressure by the tumor or bone pain from metastases. Protruding eyes and dark circles around the eyes are common and are caused by cancer that has spread to the area behind the eye. Neuroblastomas may compress the spinal cord, causing paralysis. Approximately 70 percent of all children with neuroblastoma have metastatic disease at diagnosis. The prognosis (outlook) is related to the age at diagnosis or do not have regional (the younger, the better the prognosis), clinical stage of the disease at diagnosis, and whether the child has lymph node involvement by the tumor. Screening infants for neuroblastoma is not warranted because it does not decrease the morbidity (illness) or mortality (death) rate. "


Childhood cancers are the #1 disease killer of children - more than asthma, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, and pediatric AIDS combined.
Most people don't know that only 3% of all money donated to the American Cancer Society is allocated to the research of childhood cancer treatment and cure.
On the average, 1 in every 4 elementary school has a child with cancer. The average high school has two students who are a current or former cancer patient. In the U.S., about 46 children and adolescents are diagnosed with cancer every weekday.
Cancer in childhood occurs regularly, randomly, and spares no ethnic group, socioeconomic class, or geographic region.
The cause of most childhood cancers are unknown and at present, cannot be prevented.
Although the 5 year survival rate is steadily increasing, one quarter of children will die 5 years from the time of diagnosis.
In the United States in 2007, approximately 10,400 children under age 15 were diagnosed with cancer and about 1,545 children will die from the disease
80% of children have metastasized cancer at the time of their diagnosis. At diagnosis, only 20% of adults with cancer show evidence that the disease has spread or metastasized.
Detecting childhood cancers at an early stage, when the disease would react more favorably to treatment, is extremely difficult.
Even with insurance coverage, a family will have out-of pocket expenses of about $40,000 per year, not including travel.



Neuroblastoma is a common and often difficult to treat cancer, the most common cancer in infancy.
In the United States, about 600 children are diagnosed with neuroblastoma each year.
It is the most common tumor found in children younger than 1 year of age.
Childhood cancer is the number one disease killer in children.
Neuroblastoma is the most common extra cranial solid tumor cancer in children.
Every 16 hours a child with neuroblastoma dies.
There is no known cure for relapsed neuroblastoma.
Nearly 70% of those children first diagnosed with neuroblastoma have disease that has already metastasized or spread to other parts of the body. When disease has spread at diagnosis and a child is over the age of 2, there is less than a 30% chance of survival.


"Please support Childhood Cancer Research by donating to Curesearch, Alex's Lemonade, Band of Parents and Ronald McDonald House"

Check out these sites if you're looking for more information. I hope you'll find them helpful and informative.

Don't forget to sign myGuestbook so I'll know you stopped by....


*I wanna give a special thanks to Draac of Draacs back, he was definitely an inspiration and his site really helped me build this website..also want to give a shout out to Tboob and everyone else who helped all webtv users back in the day*


"All my Love goes out to the families of the victims involved in the 9/11 tragedy"

"Please support Childhood Cancer Research by donating to Curesearch, Alex's Lemonade, Band of Parents and Ronald McDonald House"



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