Welcome to my web page, which has finally been updated! Wahoo! Here is a picture of me with my Sancho. If you're interested in more pictures, click on my face below.

Here are couple of things I think are cool enough to post here:
Las Vegas!
Pictures from my Hawaiian vacation!
Instructions for Life
Somebody (with extra cheese!)
What's Your Sign? (a must read!)
Heartless Bitches International Members-
Real Life Heartless Bitches
(find my quote halfway down the page!)

It's Here... Just Do Him!

Click Here for the
picture page

I really don't know what else to say yet, and I guess I'm never going to have anything profound to share, so just entertain yourself with picture and cool links.

Badass Babe Links:
Lynka's Fantasy Page - My favorite Warrior Princess, and soon to be yours... Xena. This is a very cool place to visit. It includes fan fiction and pics from upcoming episodes.
WHOOSH - Xena Info, including synopses and commentary.
Domain of the Slain - A Babe who is rapidly replacing Xena in my heart... Buffy the Vampire Slayer!
Dana's Ally McBeal Page - She's not as tough as Buffy and Xena, but I still love the show.

Melrose Place Links (even though I'm starting to hate the show!):
Melrose Place TV

The only show I hate more than Melrose Place:
Mediarama's 90210 Weekly Wrapup - This guy caps unmercifully on the characters! Funny stuff!
90210 Haiku - The name says it all...

Miscellaneous Links/Fun Stuff:
The Onion - Funny Mock Newspaper
Heartless Bitches - An Excellent Site! I'm an official, card carrying Heartless Bitch myself.
Drunken Bastards Home Page - I can only aspire to be a member of this elite group!
Susie Bright - If you've never heard of Susie Bright, you must visit this site. She's incredible, but her site doesn't do her justice.
Rotten Dot Com - Browsers beware, this is pretty gross, but it's addictive!
Salon Magazine - Check this out! Susie Bright has her own column here!

Hey! E-mail me if you stumble across this page. I'm very curious to know who's been here. Let me know if you like the links or know of some related links I might like!

Click on the scroll

Counter reset on 8/31/98