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The Kentucky ICQ Users List was created to bring a group of people from an area together. Members of the list are able to contact one another, find new friends in their area, and chat. Anyone in Kentucky is welcome to join the list, just Email or fill out this form with your ICQ info.
Users are listed by the cities they live in, please choose one below. If your city is not listed, it means no one in that city is on the list. Cities will only be listed if there is a ICQ list member in that city.
in your listing and wondering how to change it? Click here
A note to
current members, please make sure your entry is correct,
if you should want it changed or omitted, please let me know.
Use this banner to link to us if you like.
- Info on rockin local bands
Shellie (214505)
Some images on this site are copyrighted,
ask permission before taking any for your own use.