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Channel: #Monkees

Come Join my #Monkees chat room & meet Valleri , The Monkees #1 fan (ok so maybe she is a bot but she has it bad for the Monkees and she wants to get to know the fans)  I have many stories to tell of my 31 years of following them and would love to hear your stories so please join me.

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A little about me

I was 13 on September 12, 1966 when it all began.  I was one of the millions that fell in love with Davy, Micky, Peter, and Mike that night.  I was never to be the same again.  I was glued to the television set every Monday night, bought every album as it was released, I went to my first Monkee concert January 22, 1967 at the Cow Palace in San Francisco.  I still remember it as if yesterday and get excited like that 13 year old still today.  I have continued through all these years to follow them as solo acts and as a group.  I have found them to be some of the most wonderful, warm people I have ever met and so good to their fans.  They have brought me a lot of joy in my life and continue to do so. I have a huge collection of collectibles, including tons of photos and video I have done myself. I have some great stories to tell and love to hear everyone else's too so come meet me and let's share our excitement of these wonderful performers.

Check Out My Monkee Collection

Donee with Davy at his book signing (4/2000)


Davy Jones:  P.O. Box 400, Beavertown, PA 17813

Peter Tork:   524 San Anselmo Ave. #102, San Anselmo, CA  94960

Micky Dolenz: Agency for the Performing Arts, 9000 Sunset Blvd., L.A., CA 90069

Mike Nesmith: c/o Rhino, 10635 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025

Favorite Monkee Links

Monkees Web Ring

Shuttle's Monkee Page

Auntie Grizelda's Webpage

Wayne's Mail A Monkee Card

Monkee Fan Club Addresses

Monkee Collector's Home Page


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(click rhino button to check out their page)
 The Monkees and Monkees logo are registered trademarks of Rhino

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