


For one strange reason or another, I randomly decided to give my website a new look.  Perhaps it's just the boredom of the first week of Spring semester.  



Let's see... I lead the ordinary life of my own creation.  I take things as they happen in my life, and live by the quote "...the  best is yet to come..."  Often times people tell me that I have an interesting life, but I beg to differ.  It's just that the things I do are only the things I desire to, and just recently I have found an entirely new outlook on life.  In High School, I was just going through life's motions.  I was depressed and alone, but I made it through with the friends and activities that meant the most to me. (We'll get to that later). But now I have found control over my life and am able to smile daily at how wonderful it is to be here, thanks to certain people who have shown me some awesome times, and to those people who have taught me about how I no longer want to live, and lessons about the person I don't want to be or associate with.  I can never thank the former people enough for showing me that smiling doesn't hurt, and I have no desire to thank the latter, as they merely taught me my lessons by staying away.

Ok-- enough about that...

For more insight into my new outlook on life, check the LiveJournal for my daily inspiration... leave a note once and a while if something reaches out and touches you.

I'm 19, and a sophomore at Lyman Briggs School at Michigan State University. I'm majoring in Zoology with a concentration in mammalogy and behavior.  Thanks to my inspiration, Animal Planet's own, Jeff Corwin, and my endless love for all of the animal kingdom except bats I've made that my career path.


Originally from the Metro-Detroit area, representing Sterling Heights... Sterling Heights High School class of 2002.  I swam and played softball in high school all four years and still like to swim when I can, work out, and am looking forward to playing softball this summer.  I write poetry, and am sort of in the process of writing a book about my life.  If you're curious let me know, maybe you can read some of my work.

Aside from The Jeff Corwin Experience and The Crocodile Hunter, I'm also an avid superman fan (in case you didn't notice). I used to watch Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman religiously, and still search for new Dean Cain appearances and movies. I collect all kinds of superman memorabilia, the collection keeps growing.

The people that mean the most to me deserve their own page.

My other Website

But that's about all you'd ever want to know... feel free to IM me on AIM at SuPeRMeL18 or e-mail me at anytime.

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