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This is my web page. Dedicated to the beautiful love story of Captain SlideR, and his tavern wench, Whisper. May their love endure throughout all time and space.................... | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Ahhh...My Captain, you have returned to me after so many months on the high seas. How ironic is it now, that I have been taken from you? I have spent so many endless days and nights walking on the shore...waiting for a glimpes of your ship. So many days and nights searching the skies for our little friend, Sabastian. He has carried many, many sweet messeges of love for us, my Captain. When will you find me? I need to feel your arms around me once again. It is cold where I am now..and there is no light. Please come soon. Whisper..... | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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I guess I should begin this, by giving you a little background into how Captain SlideR and Whisper came to be. I was having trouble sending ICQ messeges to my friend SlideR. So, I sent him off a little email. That first letter was lost, but that is how this beautiful love story started. He in turn sent one back to me. And somehow, months later, we find ourselves in the middle of breathtaking romance, intrigue, murder, and betrayal. We sort of started in the middle, and seem to be working our way to the beginning. I hope you enjoy our story... | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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November 2, 1856 My dearest Whisper, On this day darkened by storm clouds..where the valleys created by the ocean's high swells block out all other rays of light, where common men would be disheartened, if not broken, by the feroucious winds that lash our tired bodies..my soul suddenly broke free form my miserable existance..as a winged bird made my ship its home. |
It carried a message that brings tears to this man's eyes..it brought emotions that flooded over me like the tides that breach the deck..wave after wave washed over me and away with it went the treacherous doubts that the mind harbors when distance keeps us apart. If the "time traveler" could see the love that I have for you..as he may have in days gone by..then his words surely were taken from my heart...torn from my tongue as I have proclaimed my love to you so often in the depth of the screaming winds that never seem to stop when storms engulf my ship. |
Know that I am well..in heart and mind. Know that I understand the necessary dangers that lurk in the tavern where you work. Know that I trust your wisdom and soul..and that your heart is good. Know that the pain I sometimes feel is because I love you so much...and I am not there to take that other man's place. Your words become my bible..your thoughts are my scripture. I worship you Whisper. I am coming home baby...always know that. I am coming home. |
Your Captain..SlideR | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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November 3, 1856 My dear Whisper, As the winded bird lays recovering at the foot of my bed and I lay down to daydream of you, my mind reflects on the toil it takes for us to maintain the embers of our smoldering love, never far from the flash point. |
I wonder at times, usually while on deck late at night, when all the men are dreaming of their own hidden desires, whether the energy thrown into such a venture is merely an accommodation to the age old ritual of satisfying our pagan desires. But such aimless wonderings of my mind fall quickly on the deaf ears of my heart - where the true reader of dreams resides. A singular message of love from your lips turns such trepidation to mindless ravings. I blame them on the solitued imprisioning me day by day..where minutes turn into hours as days turn to months..making my lonely heart ache for your touch..your bed..your passion. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
For a life without you is like a painters canvas yet touched by the broad strokes he turns into life..where no colors or texture or depth can exist until his passion is released. I need you to release my passion Whisper..I crave the colors and texture of your mind..of our bodies being together..or souls intertwined. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
If, for some reason, my ship never makes port..carry with you the love in your heart that you know I carried in mine for you. The treacherous seas can brutalize my body and tax my resolve..but it never will alter my desire for you. Your Captain...SlideR |
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November 3, 1856 Captain SlideR, While bathing in the hidden pool near the waterfall this morning, our most trusted loyal friend the pigeon found me. He carried with him your letter..your words that touch my very soul and set my being on fire. |
I am glad to know that you are well, and the storm must have passed because you were in your bed daydreaming of me. Know that I too, have been having the most secret, wicked thoughts of you. I long to feel your touch, Captain, as I know you long to touch me. The time and distance are becoming unbareable for both of us, and I hear your unspoken sighs, and moans of unsatisfied longing. Soon, my love, we will be together. And the doubts that are plaguing your mind will all wash away as you gaze into my face, my eyes. We will be as one again, my dragon lover. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Until that time comes though, just know that I miss you, and love you more than any painter could ever capture, more than any "time traveler" could ever sing. I am yours Captain..heart, mind, body, and soul. And I am waiting for you to come and sweep me away with just one glance, just one touch...I am waiting...I am waiting. ~Whisper~ |
Captain SlideR's Page | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The letters | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Captain SlideR Comes Home The story begins |
Whispers Page | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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