
The Friend I Never Had
By Nancy Duong

All though my life,
I've missed a special part
somewhere a big space
left empty in my heart.
A space as big,
as the earth alone.
That you had filled
with love that shone
that we were sisters and brothers.
Different I would say.
More life than others,
growing strong everyday,
you are what I call
the friend I never had.
Until the time right now,
I've never been so glad
to have a friend like you,
to be friends with you,
to be a friend thats true.
To make a friend come true,
you are definitly...
The friend I never had.

Did you like that?!?! I hope you did... Anywaze... I was passing by AA and I fell into your pagie... isn't that nice??? hehe... I hope you didn't mind... I saved you as a friend... I hope you'll do the same... Wellz when you have time... Come by my page and take a look around and take a few min. to sign the book to let me know that you were there... Wellz that's all for now... Much Love & Respect... TLC...

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