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Hi Welcome to my homepage!

Hi, this is me..BULL, Welcome to my humble abode. Do you like my wallpaper? pretty isn't it? I've wasted some time putting together some cool links for you. Have fun and don't forget to sign my guestbook.
Anyone for an egg???
This link is funny!!!!!
Click here!! for more
Feel free to steal anything you like the look of, chances are thats exactly what i did. ENJOY . . . . . .
Here are a few of my favourite things, click on them for some really cool links
Clink on Mr. Koala
for some completely
different snacks !!!
See Kate Moss
Contains nudity
My little pony, Porn star or misunderstood?
Click here to see what the f£"K i'm talking about.
Hey travellers..., no we dont want to see your photos, want to give them some shit? Click here....LOL
Cool south park games - while away those dull hours at work
Click here to catch me in the TV Lobby
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Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated,
do you know of some great links that i have missed?
Do you have a page that you want to exchange links with?
you can email me at;
Click the mirror ball for tonnes
more.Cool links include dancing
things and fly swatting.

Dont forget to sign my guestbook
This site is constantly
The last update was on: 12th April 1999