Cloud Works

Some days you're the hammer; some days you're the nail.

This is the right div space. It is using the normal body text (and color). Originally, this space would be the typical right-side ad placement... it might stick to that format, as that is the accepted web format for the time being.

SPECIAL NOTE: I need some sort of jsp include or something for the nav. It's a pain in the ACE to repopulate on ever-expanding pages the new nav.

Besides this page being my front cover, this is where I should address myself with my understanding of and intention for further web code and training. I added two pages to my "site" - conspiracy and politics. Each of these pages shouldn't just be differentiated by content, but actual layout and code usage.

Stardate 10202008: My changes to the page have been abrupt. I changed the font color to a forest green, changed the font itself from beloved Verdana to Georgia for clarity, and considerably lightened the background to a light bone color. I will likely keep the bone color for the background, but only use the alternate forest green color for fonts on white, and possibly for sub-headers. I will also make the above-the-fold text stay inline with the middle div text, and I think I should forego the liquid scaling divs and go with a fixed div width. I need more margin space between the divs, especially for the center.

(7/7/05??) The latest: I'm married... that's of, oh when? July 4, 2005. Yeah baby!

Rev: 4/5/04. Much and little has happened. I hate love. I hate hate. I hate. This is not a blog, so I must update you only with this information. I have all the tools. It's time to implement. First, the overall site designs. I will perhaps map out the architecture in photoshop, then post later.

NOTE: There is a problem with the CSS, and the nav links are showing up white. Highlight the nav area (drag with mouse) to see the links. OK?

Rev: 10/15/03. Long have I needed to update this page, and so I just scraped it clean today and hope to have it looking more profeshunl like by the day's end.