Hey all,
The first thing you've probably noticed is that the background of the site is no longer the ugly black colour that it used to be. This also means that most of the text has changed colour too. But the fact is, the appearance doesn't really matter. What matters is what we can give you. What new updates have already happened? What updates will soon be happening? Well, the first thing is simply that the update page has been deleted. It was getting really annoying to have to update it all the time, so I decided to scrap it completely. Also, a new page has been added, under pictures, which is called "Non-Photo Pictures." It includes any various SLC logos or other fun things, that aren't exactly photos. In time, I hope to be redoing the pictures and songs sections by making them look more scrapbookish. Anyhow, as usual, anything that you wish to submit into the SLC Scrapbook will definately be included, as long as it is about the SLC experience. Woody
What is Sparrow Lake Camp?
Every year, during the Labour Day Weekend, Trinity United Church of Uxbridge, Ontario sends the congregation up to Sparrow Lake Camp near Port Stanton. There, we have an AMAZING time. This website is devoted to all things Sparrow Lake Campish.
Note: From here on in, Sparrow Lake Camp will be referred to as SLC.
Hey! Do you have pictures, a story, song lyrics or anything else Sparrow Lake related? Well, if you do, please give it to Adam Wood, or send it via e-mail. Everything will be returned to you as soon as possible.
Map to SLC
History of SLC
Pictures of SLC
Songs of SLC
The Party Cabin |