Everybody loves the Olsen Twins!

Where my dogs at?


"Hey baby...Come here often?"

"Yeah! Doesn't everybody?"

Calvin_Skankin' Me Hobbes_Skankin'

For those of you who don't know, though I'm assuming most of you do, my name is John and I go to the University of Central Florida in Orlando. This may just be the greatest web page of all time (porno sites and espn.com excluded), so take a few seconds and see what's here.

Find Walter Payton a liver!

It has come to my attention that the greatest football player ever (whose son will be going to UM this fall) has a terminal illness. If he doesn't get a new liver within two years, he'll die. And so, I urge each of you to sign wills right now donating your liver to Walter Payton. That way, if you happen to get in a horrible car accident sometime soon, Walter may live. It's for the greater good. And I'll even make a memorial to you on my web page....complete with a photo of you (hopefully taken before the accident). Remember, you'd be saving one of my heroes, so I'd be forever grateful to you.


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