Hey there and thanks for checking my page out.  I put it together real quick just to give a little disclosure. 
My name is Steve and I am 34 years old.  I was born and raised in Baltimore and moved to Florida in 1993.  I attended the U of MD and received my BS degree in Emergency Health Services.  I was a paramedic / firefighter for a few years in the Baltimore area.  After relocating to FL i continued my career as a paramedic until completing a local nursing program.  I  am an RN and am currently in a graduate program in the medical field.  This sort of sounds like a resume doesn't it??

As for my interests, I like anything that has to do with the water and my number one passion is jetskiing.  When life was more simple I used to get out several times a week.   I also like to kayak and do a little fishing.  Rollerblading would be another thing that  enjoy although as with everything else, there just isn't enough time in the day to do everything. 