Welcome to Princess Aku's Webpage!
Here is a long review about myself:
First of all Aku is a short way of saying Akudazie. My parents named me Akudazie, meaning prosperity and my first name, Ngozi (Ngoo) meaning Blessing with the hope that I will bring a nice guy Blessing and Prosperty like I did to them, lol. Catherine (Cathy) is my baptismal name and the tiltle of princess I got from being one of 5 daughters of Rev. Principal Chief E.O. (click here to see the chief) (C.I.) I have 14 siblings, ranging from a Dr., a Lawyer, a Pilot, 2 Ingeneers, a Teologian, a Minister of education, and a congressman. (Here is a pix of some of my family)
My grandfather, late J.O. was married to 20 wives and my dad (Cheif C.I.) is married to 3 wives, lol. My second title, Alhajah (high pristess) I got from an accomplishment.
Anyhow, more about myself. I was born in Oct.12th 1967 in Amigbo-Nkwere General hospital in Imo State of Nigeria. At the age of 12 I went to Germany to my uncle who was then the Ambassador and met my Ex (a German) whom I married at the age of 13.
So, I am 31 and will be 32 in October (Libra). I am a subsitute teacher and soon to graduate a 2 year educational degree. So what is my avocations? I am avid reader, I like to read fantasy books. (Dungeons&Dragons). I love writing poetry and short stories for kids. Hobbies, I love all kinds of art, I like watching horrors, fantasy, action and anime movies. I like to sketch and doing different types of craft that take my fancy. I am outdorsy type. I like hiking, taking long drives (with someone special) ,golfing (I not good though), fishing, boating, (although I do not know how to swim, lol) and dancing. I like all kinds of music and have been told that I am a good dancer. I am an ardent traveler, therefore, I love to travel anythime, anywhere. Last but not least, I am an intellegent, conversational, honest, romantic, goal/familly-oriented, sensous, attractive; and I am simgle again and out for dating, romance and travel. If you are a risk taker, and adventurous, come into my world, and I will take you to a wild carousel ride of discoveries, both physically, emotionally, and otherwise.
If you have any more questions about me e-mail me
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