Hi! This is my Disney site. I update it with new pics, sections, and movies quite often, though not as often as I used to do. Be sure to keep your speakers on 'cuz all of my midis are hidden. Enjoy your visit and come back soon!
If you have any comments or suggestions to make, please
email me.
You are visitor number January 27, 2000
Fantasia 2000 is complete. Please look around, because this new movie by Disney has to be one of the best. Also, if you ever stumble upon the midi for Pines of Rome (on Fantasia 2000) please email me and tell me the URL or send it to me. I have been looking all over for it. If you've been here before, you will notice that the frames are different. If anything screws up concerning the frames, please let me know.
Thank you for visiting my site.since Septemeber 10, 1999