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To see my Curriculum Vitae click here.

Our long story starts with our meeting. On 28 June 2001. Ruth replied to me on a website called and a day latter received a response. This started us talking, each time we talked we found more and more in common until one day we decided to meet and marry. Yes, it pretty much came together, the thought of just meeting didn't seem right. We prayed and fasted and stuff and decided on 21 September 2001 as the wedding date; not set because of it's important historical value to the church. On 11 September I started my trek across the Ocean via plane to met my love when some freaking idiot decided to destroy that beautiful little paradise we were building along with The world trade centers. Discouraged but still not giving up we attemped it again and finally fate brought us together. On September 17th I had my love in my arms and 4 days later (beating Facil's 8 day record) we were married. Today I realize that it's always possible to love more. we were sealed on 21 September 2002 in the London England Temple.

Now we have my visa we are headed back to America to create our future there. visit our other web sites click here, and to find out more about our story click here

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We only support Liverpool, The football team.

That picture will be updated once we can get a better one from the liverpool site

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