<BGSOUND SRC="/amie8584/burninglove.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Well here it is finally a page with muh pics on it lol.. K
A little about me .. I am 32 years old and  I am in a wheelchair .. I was born with a hole in my spine... ~in lamens terms~ for the educated ones its called Spina Bifida.. >>>NO im not paralyzed I can FEEL and MOVE everyone.. I work.. I live alone .. I drive.. Not much I can't do .. I am from a small town in North Western Indiana, between South Bend and Michigan city ..

Yahoo:  amie8584 or rollerbarbie1974
MSN:  rollerbarbie@comcast.net ...
Email: amie8584@yahoo.com
Gimme some time an I will add some more pics