Welcome Family & Friends
Hi,I am Cathy Kazek
I graduted from Adirondack
Senior High School in
These girls were two of my best friends...
Not a day goes by that I don't think of them. Unfortunately unlike me they will not get a chance to live their dreams....
(i miss you two)
The guy in this picture with me
is my friend Jon Rookey
I met him at Stewarts
We became Best Friends
until one day
Get married!!!
I want you all to meet
Mr.& Mrs.
Jonathan Rookey
married June 15,1996
My parents
Jons parents
This lady with us,
well this is,
Me July1997 8months pregnant!!!
The final outcome:
Dakota Jon Rookey
born Aug.2,1997
and the starting
of our family
Dakota with his
Uncle Alan and Amy
Dakota sledding
Dakota Easter morning!!!!
Dakota- Thinking what kind of trouble can i get into next!!!!
The men of the house mowing the lawn!!!
Jon and Dakota swimming in Dakota's new pool....