Fred & Mary's Play Page
First a little bit about us.....
We are in our mid 30's. Mary is very Bi and Fred enjoys a little 'lite-Bi' with the right people. We love lingerie, toys, hot-tubbing, etc... (you know fun stuff) We are not the 'Ken and Barbie' type although we are not pond scum either. We are open to beginners as well as those experienced in the 'lifestyle'. We are both HIV/STD negative (we are both medical professionals and tested periodically). Mary is very oral - loves to give and recieve - Male or Female. Fred's tongue also very experienced.
:)~~~ Mary is multi-orgasmic and has been known to 'squirt' on occasion. We prefer to 'soft-swing' (no intercourse), until after we have had a few encounters and have gotten to know you - then if all parties agree... The sky's the limit! We seek secure loving couples who know sex is the greatest form of physical pleasure friends can share! Couples with a Bi-female or Bi-Male are welcome. We are not hung-up on looks, but, do require you be sexually open. Some of you may know us from AOL- 'Cpl4FunLV' Drop us a line telling us about yourselves - A pic would also be appreciated. And remember.... "You don't have to have sex to be friends - But, you must be friends to have sex"
Ciao, Fred and Mary :)

P.S. In case you couldn't tell we are not looking for one night stands - we are looking to make Friends where sex may become a natural extension of that friendship.
Give us a kiss...
To see more pics!
Please note these web pages contain pictures of an erotic nature. If this offends you or if you are under 18 years old - Please push your browsers back now and go somewhere else.
Regards, Fred and Mary
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