Dear Diva answers your love questions from a Christian perspective. The Diva wants every one to have a great love life and a great love for life. More importantly, the Diva wants each of you to love God most of all.

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Dear Diva,

My girlfriend is really a sweet girl and we've been together for over seven years. I love her a lot and I know she loves me too. About six months ago we started living together and now her friends keep asking me when are we getting married. We're both 35 and I'm not ready for marriage. I can see that this hurts her, but I don't want to rush into marriage when I'm not ready. I'm afraid she might get pregnant to pressure me to marry her before I'm ready. Diva, how long should a couple date before getting married?

Confused in Houston
Dear Confused in Houston,

Unfortunately, when you are ready for marriage it won't be with your current girlfriend. The fact that you're not ready for marriage means you're probably not ready to make her your wife. It's time to stop living together and start living separate lives. You're wasting her time.

E-mail me at in the meantime.
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