<BGSOUND SRC="rockingrobin.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

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Realm of Redheads
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A.P. Biology

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Life According To Carlie

  Carlie   aka   Ceilidh

"Work hard but have lots of fun along the way."
woodrow wilson

"I've had a sense of no limits."
carly fiorina

"There's nothing to dangerous for manipulators as people  who think for themselves."
meg greenfield

"It isn't a mistake to have strong views. The mistake is to have nothing else."
anthony weston

"You may get skinned knees and elbows, but it's worth it if you make a spectacular goal."
mia hamm

"The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us."
alcoholics anonymous

"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, never the same."
source unknown

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle."

"Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn."
c.s. lewis

"The journey in between what you once were and who you now are becoming is where the dance of life really takes place."
barbara de angelis

"A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature."
ralph waldo emerson

"I will tell you that there have been no failures in my life. There have been tremendous lessons."
oprah winfrey

"If you  can't change your fate, change your attitude."
amy tan

Homework may affect your social life."
poster on wall

heya there!

I am...

woman.hear me roar!! well here goes. i am a junior at  a super spiffy school on the coast. i want to be a journalist for a magazine when i get out of college. i want to be remembered at my 25th hs reunion. i want to climb a willow tree. i want to win one of those big cardboard checks. i want to stay in touch with my friends. i want to live in a big city.

Email me!!

I Like:

...music (alternative, techno, pop, contemporary christian), traveling, talking, hanging out with my friends, sleep (even though i dont get enough), the net!!, YEARBOOK, reading, laughing, citrus smells, scooby doo, strawberry shortcake, dr. seuss, toe socks, curious george, krazy makeup, adventures, camping, trick-or-treating, building sandcastles, photography, student council, california, shirley temples :-) , and nyc.....



I have a great family even if we dont get along all the time. we all have our different interests and we each go our own ways. but, we always find time to go on a road trip for our summer vacation...

i love my friends..yall are the best!! amanda (golden retriever) is my bestest friend!!! she is the greatest! hey to: rem, aerie, kristin, panda, david, eric, john, josh, sam, jeff, joseph, mallory, jessica, brandon, tiffany, and all my other peeps...

bestest friends
Amanda and John 
The Chicas
The Lunchgroup
nhs peeps
more nhs peeps
the posse
enviro team 1
enviro team 2
jeff and amy
scottish fest
peck and mike
charlie in very tall tree
nick's clique
the night i  played hockey
the infamous rainbow tunnel
a & j's gingerbread house
my gingerbread house
my elk friend
a few members of the youth group
katie and her new friend
brandon- its a pretzel
aryka and friends
beach in northern CA
a towering redwood

parental units
kate (lil sis)
nick (lil bro)
all of us munchkins
total kraziness
mom and me doing puppets
Dad's halloween costume
dad wearing my costume
kate on picture day
mom and me @ christmas
baseball kate
one of the camera hams

more pix coming soon!!!!

I really like this painting.....
its just an added bonus that she's a redhead..

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I'm Carlie, and I'm a member of the class of 2001, the '01st class of the new millennium.

This NEED A RING site owned by Carlie
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   Last      Updated 4/3/00

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