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Thank you all for visiting our modest, humble little homepage. Our names are Rikard and Björn. Rikard, who is 18, has by Gods hand been gifted with more technical qualities while I (Björn), take charge of input of our personal data. I'm 21 by the way. I feel I should add that Rikard really isn't a computer-geek, he does have a life. Whenever not in school as a busy straight A student (irony) he's working hard to make extra cash, but we won't tell you where...

So we're two swedish 80's fanatics with razorsharp sideburns and chubby cheeks, picking up chicks in a rusty volvo.. NOT really, could have been though! as I have enlightened you to Rikard has come 2/3 through highschool and I, after I finished highschool have been working, but am now a hard working university student.

we put this page up for fun with no great expectations! by the time we did everybody had their own homepage, and who are we to be different, so we made one ourselves!!

We're cousins, we both live near Stockholm, pretty close to each other too, trapped with our families. To proclaim our independence and seek our freedom we have turned our hopes to the binary alternative world

"out there"

As a little unnecessary detail we felt it would be wise to tell you Stockholm is the proud capital of Sweden, in northern Europe, not as you may have thought a little shit town somewhere in North Dakota!!!

© 1997 neiden@hotmail.com

* If you necessarily need to know what we look like, well here it is:


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