Mercadotecnia & planeación estratégica
Marketing & strategic planning
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I believe that my skills in the pharmaceutical industry, specially in marketing, will enable me to make a significant contribution to your company as a marketing intern.

My experience in marketing as well as in sales field required me to initiate projects aimed to increasing market penetration. As a result, I not only developed the ability to think analytically and strategically, but also successfully designed, managed and executed those strategies by enlisting the support of other functional areas within the business.

My professional background has centered around my ability to lead and work within teams over which I held direct & non-direct authority. This training endorses me with the attributes necessary to impact a team as both a leader and valuable contributor.

I believe that my background and skills match those that are necessary to succeed in marketing at your company.

In this pages you will find my resume which describes only few of my main career’s success,  in hopes of scheduling an interview,  Please cantact me to determine how I should proceed in pursuing my interest in your company.

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Ver mi curriculum vitae
Ver mi álbum fotográfico
1er. Curso "On line" de Posicionamiento