A Little About My Family And My Self
Well, now where do I start?
I'm a Evansville IN native. I lived in Florida for about 12 years, and since moving back, still miss living there.
I enjoy: Scuba, which I taught, (PADI) while I was living in FL, fishing, gardening and messing around on this computer. For a living I design Homepages (Personal and Business). I also tutor people that would like to learn how to make their own, in my area. Visit my Pages. Oh, check out the Gift Shop while your there.
I'm married to a great guy and have three wonderful grown kids. My husband runs his own business, is into airplanes (especially his Navion) and building racing engines.
My oldest daughter lives in Memphis. She is a Registered Nurse, working in one of the hospitals there. She is married and has two children.
My second daughter (JellyBean, on the Chat Lines) (Her Photo) served six years in the Navy, and now works at one of the local factorys, her field is computers and office management. She is single and has two children. You can visit her Home Cyber Home
My son is single and lives here in town, he enjoys messing around on the computer, fishing and flying.(His Photo)
Yes I'm a proud Grandma! Would you like to see Photos of them? (Doesn't every Grandma say this?)
I love animals, and have many pets. At this time three cats, visit with my Fuzzy Kids, two dogs, an aquarium of fish and my newest, a small parrot (a Sun Conure) that is starting to talk up a storm.
My Child
I cannot choose the path
That you must venture to.
Let your heart take the lead
In whatever you pursue.
You are my child, my treasure
It's difficult to let go.
Although your journey will be long
I must let you grow.
If the journey weakens you
Because of it's demands,
Always know, I'll be walking by your side,
Reach out and take my hand.
No need for you ask, I promise
To walk with you to the end.
My love for you will be steadfast
As you round the bend.
[Author Unknown]
Thanks for visiting my family.

Grandma Animation by Cobys World Other Credits for any Graphic, or Midi used can be found on my Home Page Making Page