for Hope
are available free of charge to those who are severely injured
and/or chronically ill, as well as their caregivers or anyone in
need of hope.

I am renovating my site. Someday soon you are going to come here and see that it looks completly different, but you will be at the same address!
My name is Kathleen. I am married to a George and together we have 4 children named, Allen, Holly, Meghan, and Jamie, and the newest addition, Grand Daughter Charity-Dawn. We live in a small part of Nova Scotia called River John. It's a very quite
little fishing village near the Northumberland Strait.
If you ever come to visit Pictou County, this is THE place to stay!!The Breaside Inn
Did you know that George Canyon is from Pictou County?

Go to his site George Canyon
Right now I am employed full time at one of Canada's largest grocery chains as an Operations Support Analyst.
Here is a link: Sobeys
Where I've worked for the best boss in the world, Brian Montgomery,until he had to leave :( We stay in touch, but it is not the same as seeing him everyday. He means a lot to me and I hope to knows that.
Want to join? Click here.
Here is a little something I think you will enjoy!!Boys Will Be Boys

FamilyCorner.com Magazine - Parents are always searching for good solid advice when it comes to their family and home life. Everything from teething, fitness, teenagers, home decorating and harvesting your herb garden. Visit our special holiday sections!
Some of the crafts I enjoy include crochet and plactic canvas.
Here are some links to great Plastic Canvas Sites...
Free Plastic Canvas
Free Patterns
I hope you enjoyed your stay. Feel free to come back at any time,I'm always adding something new, so come
by often to see what's changed!!

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