![]() Dedicated to the "Queen of Hearts" |
![]() By David Cousins
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The death of Diana, Princess of Wales,
created a massive opportunity for all of humanity to open up their heart
chakra and to enter into a new vibrational pattern. The pattern of this
process gradually unfolded during the week following her car accident and
was intensely focused on the day of her funeral.
On the day of the accident, I noticed that the vibrational pattern of people as a whole was emotionally charged with quite a lot of people going into a heightened overdrive, tears trickling down from their eyes, and their whole auric vibration being opened up in preparation for a healing. As people went into a state of disbelief, their pattern of energy immediately dropped and there was a release of dark energy within the strata of the genetics of their body form.
The funeral
On the morning of Diana's funereal, I turned
on the television at 9:30am, observing the funeral cortege moving down
the road, flanked by the soldiers, and was surprised at the huge release
of negative energy that poured into my living room. It was like a waterfall
of black, slimy energy which continued on an ongoing basis.
In the actual centre of these nine rings of different energies was a white rose. The white rose was emitting etheric sparks - as if something etherical was brewing - and every now and then a few sparks would leap off and disappear into the ethers and, occasionally, into the odd individuals heart centre in the crowd.
Those people who made the effort to physically
go and watch the funeral were all touched by an impulse of divinity, either
in the form of this blue electrical energy, or by the input energy of the
white rose which was in the centre of the energy swirl of the coffin represented
by the golden rose. The white rose symbolised the Avataric promise, the
Avataric Will in motion. It was rather like a new song being sung.
Heart energy
As I peered at the people in the crowd, I could
also see what this energy swirl was doing. Initially before the funeral
cortege reached them, everyone's solar plexus centres were open and again
they were all releasing a massive amount of dark energy. (Hence, so many
tears). As the funeral cortege with its heart chakra energy swirled past
people, their heart centres popped open like there was no tomorrow. The
degree to which their heart centres opened was dependent upon the degree
of electrical energy that their body could cope with. Some people's heart
centres opened wide (*about the size of two hands) others just the size
of a 2p piece. But everyone's heart centres opened, there were no exceptions.
The soldiers escorting the coffin, the policemen and policewomen lining the route were also affected in the same way. All their heart centres were opened, some more focused than others. Those policemen and women, some who were crying silently, were also helping to transmute energy. One policewoman who was photographed in the papers with her head bowed, crying silently, was etherically symbolised as a very pale, violet rose and around her were her guides focusing the release of earthbound children through her emotional communion with the higher energies being released.
Although the Cosmic Christ energy was focused in the coffin, a shard of very thin energy approximately two fingers wide - was also being sent straight down into the core of the planet and into the liquid energy that represents Earth's pattern and sound. Through this there seemed to be an adjustment being made within the shard of energy which controls the pulse of the planet and the frequencies that balance the Earth's frequencies. Almost as if the axis was being restored and focused in a slight different way.
The Cosmic Christ was stationary and standing around him were 56 larger light beings with the various inputs of energy coming in from other planets. In this way a timeless wave of energy was created that resonated down into humanity through the essence of the entity that was known as the Queen of Hearts! As the 'Queen of Hearts' brought the Cosmic Christ through in this way, and captured for that particular time period, the essence of those who had the will of good in them, opening them up to a much higher structure of light through the Christ light, that was deliberately exercised by the focus of will from mental light to astral light, to bring about a change of heart on all levels, in all subjects, as opposed to just one or two. These 56 robed beings were radiating multiple colours and were generating a huge electrical circuit round the planet. They were drawing energy from other planetary systems and were also linking into other groups within those systems. For instance, there were three beings in a triangular focus of energy around Jupiter. |
Angel of
Death |
![]() I saw the Angel of Death as gold light. Both Diana and the Angel of Death were quite tall, about 20 metres tall. Although we saw the physical form of Diana while she was alive as quite slight, her astral body had 'a lot of muscle', in the sense that her auric space was pulsating with gold light, and she was deeply interested in what was actually being said by the Angel of Death, who was explaining the formula of what was going on, and the part she was playing in it. |
![]() Although during the funeral procession, the Cosmic Christ on one level looked suspiciously like the Master Jesus in the old biblical pattern. On another level He just looked like a normal person wearing white robes. But He was radiating an inner fire, especially from his eyes. As I looked at His eyes, it was almost like looking into space and seeing the totality of the colour spectrum. It also felt as if all the stars were shining back at me at the same time. It was light profound, and I suppose the best way to describe it is absolute light! So the Cosmic Christ was the process of absolute
light, an aspect of the Paramatma
coming down through the imagery of the Cosmic Christ, focused over London,
which is the heart centre of Britain, and Britain is the throat centre
of the planet. The energy therefore was corded in to the throats of those
who were part of the circuit and vibratory network represented by the various
life forms that had an interest focused in that which is termed time.
![]() As Princess Diana's essence walked past them, the focus of the energy which came over, quite specifically, was forgiveness. There was a feeling that whatever was of the earth was now of no more concern, because the etheric energy pattern of Diana was growing. Having gone through the trauma and the shock of the pre-death pattern, she was being released from the earth plane. So the full force of the energy, etherically, being transmitted was beginning to build as Diana walked down her 'Calvary road', to the Cathedral and what was waiting for her there. |
At the
Cathedral |
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![]() When the first of Diana's sisters stood up to say her words, Diana was standing just behind her and gave her a little purple/white rose, and a forget-me-not symbolising what was taking place and that the essence of the earthly Diana was there with her. |
of Light
Diana stood just behind each person as they stood
up to say their piece. When her brother stood up to give his passionate
speech, the black rose he came in with crumbled - especially as he got
emotional towards the end - and energy rushed up from his lower centres
to form a white rose in his heart centre.
As this impulse of energy empowered their heart chakra, they started to clap and the clapping grew in intensity, just like one of these waves of energy that move through a football match. So the energy of the clapping moved towards the intensity of energy focused in the Cathedral. The Cathedral is on a series of ley lines, and as the wave of clapping carried the energy impulse of the Cosmic Christ into the cathedral, a massive explosion of light went down the ley lines into all parts of the land and into all parts of the globe connected to those leys. As sound of the clapping - representing the Cosmic Christ, the essence, the whisper, the divinity, the road to the way home - rolled down the aisle towards the coffin, I noticed that the larger, higher self aspect of Diana was holding a pile of golden dust (like fairy dust). Diana blew one single kiss into the centre of this golden dust, which sent out a shard of energy carrying millions of sparks of white light which went to everybody who is part of the Network of Light. These sparks also went out to the Royal family and everybody connected with Diana, not just those who had at some time been in her physical presence and those who had lined the roads of the funeral procession. But also to everybody who had visited one of the temporary shrines where flowers had been laid, and to all those linked into her via radio and television. As this 'one final kiss' - this symbol of humility, symbol of love - went out around the planet these tiny shards of white light began, almost excitedly, to form within the planet earth itself, a structure, a rose, that is going to grow and grow within all life forms. In other words, this symbolised the first stages of the unspoken word being released as the heart centres of all life forms are now being stimulated - irrespective of the overshadowing of the vibratory input energy that is currently taking place at this moment in time. My feeling is that this vibration will carry on building over the next five years. Almost as if a thought form has now been wrapped around the planet which will create an artificial spin. During this period of time it will allow a much greater rapport, telepathically and otherwise. In this way the necessary adjustments can be made, especially in governmental agencies, in political and religious groups, in fact, everywhere where a structural change has to take place. It is almost as if that one kiss has melted the opposition that was, and will be. So the new 'doorway' can now be simply opened. With that one kiss a lot of darker doorways all over the world simply slammed shut, howls of discontent from the darker agencies faded into silence, and then a 'very smooth doorway' was opened in the Himalayas, in certain parts of Mexico and on the ocean bed. Looking at the pyramidal aspect, on Mars for example, I also saw a shard of light come in from there. In other words, a circuit from that one kiss opened not only the hearts and minds of people but also the essence of life and the encodement that had been latent and which was, in that moment, lit.
Candle in
the Wind
![]() As that song is replayed by people, over and over
again, it will rekindle and stimulate the heart chakras within the essence
of humanity and all other life forms.
The Pathway
Home |
On a physical note, when Diana gave her Panorama
interview she was sowing the seed of the idea of 'Queen of Hearts', preparing
all of humanity to link into her through the heart. When she later gave
away a lot of her wardrobe for the charity auction, she was on one level
preparing for death. The manner of her physical death was perfect for the
soap opera ending that was needed to stimulate the hearts of humanity.
The age of her sons is also a significant pattern because the sympathies
of people, on a national level, were captured either through them or the
Royals through their entrenched pattern, having to surrender to the humility,
to the love and to the joy of the moment. The sadness as everybody grieved
for themselves for all that they had lost, in whatever way was then being
So the bottom line is that everybody was being given the opportunity to release loss per se, as a preparation for the rebirth, or resurrection, which was taking place. When the service ended and the coffin was escorted
out of the cathedral Diana did not follow, since directly outside the cathedral
a white-gold pathway opened up - it was quite wide, about 30-40 metres
wide and Diana simply shot straight up, like a rocket, into the light.
On either side of the pathway, her friends and family on the inner planes who were waiting for her grand exit, were all clapping because they recognised the importance of what she had done. They were all grinning hugely at a superb performance and at the release of an individual soul coming back into the hearts and minds of those who had missed her greatly.
Although Diana didn't continue with the funeral
cortege as it traveled on to the burial site, the chakra swirl continued
to focus on the coffin, and will continue to vibrate from its final resting
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![]() According to the esoteric betting shop upstairs, there is a 91% probability that in five years time sufficient energy will have been absorbed for individual components - that means humans and other life forms - to carry that light themselves, in the same way as is happening now through these other light beings that are described as the mind of one. But humanity will then carry it in the physical essence by drawing light right down through their crown, and maintain it in their heart centre. In other words, this is a massive opportunity for humanity to open their hearts and to maintain that vibration and not to go back down into their solar plexus. So these grand old beings, the ancient ones, will remain on station until sufficient people can manage to hold the frequency. So the message is simple. Be happy, don't worry.
Love will always find a way as there is a divine plan in operation.
![]() Photos obtained from both Buckingham Palace and the BBC web sites |
![]() ![]() ![]() David Cousins
September 1997
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