Welcome to my Web Page.
My name is Colleen. A little info about me? I'm so glad you asked.
I'm 51 going on 29, recently married to a wonderful man that stalked me on the internet. Hi Roy, I love you!! I live in beautiful Loveland, Colorado, home to the Valentine Re-mailing Program.
No, I have no picture of me here. One of these days if I ever take one I like, it might make it to the page. So for the very curious, you'll have to just come find me on the NET.
I have 2 children, Aaron 31 and Cara 26. And my niece Nicole 28 that lives with us as well.
I'm very rarely ever serious unless I have to be. Life's too short to be serious. I like fun people, fun chat and fun times. But a hopeless romantic just the same. Who says romance has to be serious anyway? And in a town called Loveland, I think it's a requirement to be romantic.
So come on in, make yourself comfortable. If you make a mess.... for pity sakes clean it up. I'm not the maid you know!!For those of you who have imagintion, visit LadySpel This is my alter ego. Updated July, 1999 and still under construction.
This is a story, Never Again, I wrote about life on the internet. Very real and happens far to often.
All underlined words are either links to another page of mine or links to places on the web.
Try them and see where I take you.
WildFlour's Favorite Places
Virtual STUFF to give your friends and yourself.
A good sight if your looking for a job in Colorado.
And an entertaining place to see what kind of job your good at. (Or were)
This is probably my favorite place. LadySpel wants to live there.
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