Dick and Me (Billie), our daughter, Taylor, Halloween night 2000, and our dog, Bo!

Welcome to our homepage!

Who Am I

My name is Billie Jo Wahler and I am 31 years old. My friends all call me Buffy, though.I live in the wonderful town of Roebuck, South Carolina, where Dick and I have lived since 1999. I am currently a stay home mom, taking care of our 23 month old son, Cameron. I graduated from IUP (Indiana University of Pennsylvania) in May of 1995 with a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education. We also now have a wonderful daughter named Taylor Marie who was born on August 22, 1997 and a son on October 12, 2001.

All About Me

I grew up in the town of Altoona, Pennsylvania, home of the 1986-1989 USA Today Girls' Basketball Champions. I have many interests ranging from sports and leisure to music. I will attempt to give you a brief generalization of many of my favorite past times as well as to some cool links on the web. I hope you enjoy our page!

Our Favorite Sports

Our favorite sports are the following:


Our favorite Outdoor Activities:

We also enjoy many outdoor activities in the summertime. These include:

Bass Fishing

Our favorite Performer of all time!!


Yes, we are TRUE Jimmy Buffett parrotheads. Check out the link above!

Miscellaneous Favorites of Ours:

Wolfendale's (Our Favorite Bar in Indiana, PA)
Pittsburgh Steelers!!
B-94 Radio Station(The best in Pittsburgh!)
NTN Trivia (You can usually find us at Riptide/Game Time in Greenville, SC playing this addicting trivia!)
Interactive Hearts, Spades, and Euchre (Currently, my favorite site on the web)
CosmOasis Trivia Game (Warning, this is VERY addicting and you can win money, too!)

Of Course, last but not least, pictures of our friends and family:

Taylor pictures!! Check out the pictures of Taylor!!
Dick (My significant other)
Mike (My favorite brother-in-law)
Don Allen and Myself (doing what we do best!)
John and Heather (drinking buddies and card partners)
Julie (Friend and Coworker)
My brother, Dave (Mr. Bassmaster himself!)
My sister-in-law, Michelle (Shown with my daughter, Taylor)
My nephew, Adam (Isn't he adorable?)
Guido and Taylor (Aren't they cute together?)
My boss, Beth (She said she'd fire me if I didn't put this on here!!) LOL
My friend,Curly (He's always the life of the party!!)
Scoot (A neighbor, and ex-college roommate)
Jim and Karen (Neighbors and tailgating buddies)
Cheetah (My twin brother- If you look closely you can see the resemblance:0))
Goof (Cheetah's better half)

If you're not on the list yet, don't panic, I'm only just beginning!

Take the Alcohol Challenge

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