Welcome to
The 3 Wag's Homestead

Take the New England exit
off the Information SuperHighway
and Travel Down the Dirt Roads

Welcome to our Homestead, let us introduce ourselves we're Spike (41yo male), Tilly (36yo female), Alex our 7 year old son and Reagan our nearly 2 year old daughter. We're a happly little family living in a rural piece of America.

Recent picture of the wife and kids. Dad is not in it as it was a xmas gift to him this year for when he travels. You can see a recent picture of Dad HERE in the new iBot Mobility Device. It is a wheelchair that balances on two wheels and even climbs stairs.

We live here in New England along the Connecticut River Valley in a quiet little Norman Rockwell kind of town. It is a fairly "small-town" area - our town's population is just under 10,000 and maybe 30,000 in the whole local area - but most everyone still knows their neighbors and someone stops by with chicken soup if you're sick.

Muddy dirt roads in spring, children playing in rolling fields on summer days, the explosion of color from the autumn leaves and pine trees, heavy with fresh snow from a winter storm. Kinda corny. huh ?

Click for Lebanon, New Hampshire Forecast

We've made our "Homestead" a peek into our lives, not that anyone really cares, but we've tried to give you the chance to get to know us. Please follow the links to get to know us better.

So please come in, have a cup of coffee and walk through the rooms of the Homestead or stroll around the back 40. We're hoping to keep the homestead updated as time passes so check back often.

Drop us a note - Rural Delivery of course !

Look around the Homestead and Tour the Back Forty

If 4 Part, Acappella Music is more your thing try The Barbershop for Harmony and Barbershop music lovers.

Some of us weren't given perfect bodies but we still like to be in the thick of things.
Why not go Up The Ramp and read One Gimps thoughts and find ADA Compliance Help.

I was raised with a very strong sense of history and especially love the Civil War era. See if you pass inspection and join The Regiment to look at our Living History Page.

Warm Sun, White Sand, Blue Water...Jamaica Mon ! Discover Jamaica to learn more about our favorite vacation spot... Negril, Jamaica.

We lost a dear friend and several family members to Cancer and want to help educate folks before we lose you too. Please visit this cancer link for our dear friends and loved ones ! - NancyE, Gram & Gramp Batch, Uncle Robert, Mom/Donna and Grampa Conrad...We miss you all very much !

New Englander's are famous for sharing a cup of coffee with their neighbor while Talkin' Over the Back Fence to keep up with the latest News, Current Events, Opinions and Politics

Our Homestead wouldn't be complete without a link to Tilly's Kitchen. Come in and enjoy New England Style Cookin'.

EX-JW Page - I am a FORMER member of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Please view this page to read my experience and to find other information to protect yourself and your loved ones from this cult.

I serve as a Colonel and Chaplain with The United States Corps of Chaplains. Visit our National Headquarters Website to see the wonderful work we do for our Soldiers, Veterans and Public Safety Professionals and their families.

Visit Our Photo Albums

Hugs and Come back again real soon !
Thousands of Friends have stopped to visit since Nov 10, 1996.

Thanks for making our counter spin !

This Cup of Coffee will always bring you back to the HOMESTEAD.

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SouthBeach (Homesteads 5000 - 5499) Community Leaders

This site last updated: January 6, 2006
©:Copyright 1996/2006 - Spike & Tilly

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