Feel free to drop me a I currently work for AECIO Technologies in King of Prussia, Pa We are a software delvelopment company that is growing by leaps and bounds. I am a helpdesk manager for a local Pharmaceutical company supporting about 500 users. Office phone: (610)233-2700 If you are looking for a computer geek, click on my Online Resume to check out my resume. If you're interested in speaking with me about a position, feel free to email me with any info
I need to get back to you. I was born in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, and currently live in Collegeville, Pennsylvania. I have two great kids, Kaitlin and Tommy. Here is a picture of my little princess Kaitlin
as a baby And here is one of my little buddy Tommy Here are a bunch of pics of them just being kids.
Tom Damiani
This page will no doubt always be under construction
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Personal information :(like anyone really cares)
I also sell stuff on eBay from time to time so check it out if you like
Click Here to see what I have for sale!
This page was last updated on 08/24/04
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