In Memory

Lord Snowdon/Camera Press/Retna

July 1, 1961 - August 31, 1997

A beautiful poem written by a mourner
and placed outside Kensington Palace.

To HRH Princess Diana,
The clouds are bright white as the sun shines,
Yet there are grey clouds and rain in our hearts.
There is a deep sadness amongst us all.
You were a ray of sunlight where ever you appeared.
Your beauty, compassion, love, honesty, and strength shone on the darkest of lives.
Who will do that now?
Who will continue what has been left unfinished?
It's so painful to think someone so wonderful has been taken away from us.
There is a void in our lives.
We took it for granted that you'd always be here.
Now we look to see what you have left behind;
Two beautiful seeds from your life.
May they grow strong, determined, and as compassionate as you were.
To make the difference as you were,
To make the difference as you did, my queen.
For you weren't just a queen of our hearts,
But the people and the world.
May you find love and peace amongst the stars.
Forever yours.

Remembering Diana,
a Photo Essay.

There are 28 photos, on individual pages, all of which were taken
during official photo sessions or events where the press was invited.

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