Welcome to
Welcome to Liz's Homepage! If you've been here before, I don't see why you came back cause it's been ages since I've updates (well, actually only 9 months. I just wanted to say that these updates probably won't get any more frequent. I've been busy with my Shania Twain and Mariah Carey pages (links below), and I haven't done anything on my Poetry page too, but it's still up, with about 100 of my poems. That's all though, so if you're looking for anything else, you've come to the wrong place. Either way, welcome and enjoy your stay. -Aug 21/98

Here's some other stuff that's left:

What's a page without an e-mail address so you can yell at me for deleting the pages that I've worked my ass off building for over a year and gotten so emotionally attached to.... uhm.... what was my point?

This has got to be it! It's my third guestbook and it better be good.
Please sign it, even if you signed the old one.

I used to be the ringmaster of this ring. For more information and how
join, go to The Great Nemo Ring Homepage
Last changes made on Sept 19, 1998.
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