Let me introduce you to all my friends:
My Darling Dove
Hmmmm where do i start,
Dove your eyes captivate me each time I gaze into them,while your voice is music to my ears
and the touch of your soft hands pressed accross my face makes my heart skip a beat, leaving me breathless and your seductive smile as your most potent weapon. ....you
are the greatest thing that came in my life and i cherrish you very close to my heart!
I'm so glad that we meet making me feel so special inside leaving me with a warm smile before i go to bed just thinking about
you..... holding you tight in my arms for you are my angel from the sky granting my every wish......i hope ower feelings for eachother
grows into something that we both like to expirence together called "LOVE"....*passionet HUGS & KISSES*
love Always Robert (
For You!