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The Captain's HomePage

Hi! I'm captain1. I'm a Party/Pleasure boat captain working out of plymouth,MA in case you haven't figured it out. When im not fishing or whale Watching in Cape Cod Bay or Delivering a boat to Florida, im busy doing some of my favorite things. I love my computer and at night can be found on the irc on #chatcafe with the rest of the bunch. I also do alot of hunting in the fall. If I cant shoot them with a gun, I prefer to use the camera. I also enjoy working on my fish tanks and my bonsai tree in my spare time...when i have spare time. I'm also into model planes, trains, and sail boats.I'm married to a catholic high school teacher, who is by far the nicest Catholic school teacher I've ever met!! Not that I really know that many!! She works with me during the summer on the whale watch boats. Should you ever find yourself in need of a boat captain, take a look at my Resume' and then contact me.

Places to Find me
I can usually be found in several places. On efnet I can be found in !!charm and in chatcafe with all my other irc friends. On dalnet I can be found in chatcafe. like russian roulette its your guess as to which one im hiding in!! good luck Mr. Phelps!

photo by Robert Nordblum copyright 1991
My Interests
My main interests are fishing and hunting. You can find me in the summer working on a whale watch boat, fishing and whale watching if you're lucky. After October start looking in the woods for me, I believe in the art of hunting even though it is a dying sport. I enjoy the outdoors and try to live life to the fullest. some of my most memorable sights have been outdoors. Like watching 3 deer walk within 5 feet of me, or seeing a moose stroll through the woods without fear of me. Also see my photo Gallery:
My Family
Whale Pictures
Tuna fishing Pictures
Shark Fishing Pictures
Tall Ships Pictures

Links to My Favorite Sites
Impacts Page
Lobster Tales
Jaeger Sportfishing
S & G Yacht Delivery
Holbrook sportsmens club website
Patty's Pampered Pets
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