Greetings! Please be patient the next few weeks while I try and make viewing this page easier, faster, and more efficient. I've had lots of suggestions/complaints of late and I am trying to work on the massiveness this page has become. If you have any trouble while visiting here today because of the rough surf, I apologize and can only tell you I am working on it to the best of my ability. I am still very new at this and learn new things each day which I hope will make my page more pleasing to you while you visit here. Until I get things corrected I would suggest keeping your board well waxed. For me the most important thing is feedback in the form of YOU signing my guestbook which you will find on your travels here. Its been almost 6 months since I've started and have amassed so much information. There is still so much to learn about spinning my own web. It's nice hearing from people who are using my page in their learning process for ideas and links. My teacher/mentor/guru, Ari, continues to instruct me in the magic of html with new techniques in the batter's box. Anyone visiting me here for the first time may email me below to be placed on the bulk/joke mailing list. When I started building my page I wondered what would be its use. I realize the best service I can perform is to point people in the right direction. It must be the teacher in me. So.......... I would urge you to use this page as a reference by using my links. Here you can find anything from humor to serious stuff- that's right!- like writing a research paper or checking out human chromosomes. Do you know where in the night sky to look for Halle-Bopp? I will be adding to this page constantly. If you find something, bookmark it please since it may not be here forever. Also, if you are not using Netscape 3.0
Some Of My Favorite Links To Other Sites On The Web
Binghamton High School
Binghamton City Schools
THE George Washington University: Home of Zish till May 18th
Abortion Rights Activists HomePage
Celebrity Addresses
Pi Omega Chi Fraternity: Where Every Man's A King
Food TV: Recipes,Schedules, Biographies, etc.
From Now On: The Educational Technology Journal
Ernst & Young: Where Zish Works
The Gesundheit Institute: My Friends from Lisboa, Patch Adams and Gang
NIN Info
College & University Home Pages: A Listing of All Their Home Pages
U.S. Reconnaissance Satellite Images
M.C. Escher Gallery
Learn2: Tutorials on how to do anything from make rice to open a jar and more
SinCity ...... its not what you think.
Catalog Links
Misc Hot Links: Everything from Movies, Sports, Investments, Weather, Jokes , & More
THE WEATHER: Get a report on any city.
Computer problems? Try finding your answers here.
Project Gutenberg: every book published on paper into an electronic format.
Beatrice's Web Guide: Something for my women friends. An alliance of Women's Wire
and Yahoo, Beatrice's Web guide is a woman's guide to the Net with the spunky style of one
deserving of the name of Shakespeare's heroine.
Internet Cigar Site
Room A401
And now for the real reason I feel its important for me to learn how to spin a web. This section is especially designed for my present, past and future students in mind. Here you will find a host of links devoted to the wonderful field of biology and related sciences. There are even areas where you can gain information for that research paper nonrelated to bio. You are encouraged to explore any of these links for ideas and references when it comes to required reports for AP Bio or for extracurricular work. If you should actually use any of these sources or ideas I would like to know. Please pass this information on to your classmates. For those who have no internet access at home I would like to tell you that our fantastic LMC at BHS under Miss Oestrich's guidance will be able to help you. And of course you can ALWAYS ask me. So click away and explore the vast world ahead.
The Virtual Reference Desk: You Can find virtually anything here.
Where do you want to go? Here Are Some Excellent Search Engines
If you've gotten this far without Netscape 3.0 or Microsoft Internet Explorer it's now time to download one of them before you miss even more.
Down Load Netscape Here
I'd Go For The GOLD
Or MS Internet Explorer Here
Various Net Search Sites
Lycos WC Yahoo Infoseek Apollo STPT
WN2 Harvest WIC Pronett Opentext EINet
Jared Goldsmith's Home Page- Main-Endwell
Jason Rantanen's Home Page- Brown University
There have been
cybersurfers to visit my page since
Jan 16, 1997
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you have enjoyed the show and haven't wasted too much of your valuable time. Please email me or sign the guestbook above and let me know what you think with suggestions. Come back soon as you see this page expand into CyberSpace with many more links to frontiers unknown.