aka: Asha'Man & SilverGiant

Please do not eat the toilet mints, thank you.

Well I finally did it. After numerous requests from around the globe I have finally decided to make a home page. Why did I wait so long you ask? Three reasons:

1) Poor typing skills.

2) Little to no computer knowledge.

3) I was out buying toilet mints.
I am a leading figure in The People's Republic of Non-Blue Toilet Water.

Links to my other pages

Radiant- Manifestation

Stomping Grounds

Mazda Miata MX-5

Warrior's Dreams

Laconia Bike Week



Gnat says,"Happy Birthday, GERK!!!"

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If you want to axe me a question, I can be reached at silver-one@rocketmail.com

A strong will can compensate for a weak body....