Welcome to my home page...I will try to link you to the coolest Music, Guitar,and ( This category wide open ) links I have found... OK this is a side note, I actually created this site on December 13, 1996. Man does that ever mean I am Grandfathered in! Okay another side note, thanks to Yahoo for keeping my site here. Very cool of the Yahoo Staff... I love it that after all Web work that I have done, I can come here and be humbled and remember where I came from. - Todd Oh yeah, I went from Web Designer at Jasc to Senior Web Designer at Target Corp. But wait, There's More!
If you have ever been out slam dancing to Pat Boone,
Great Themes for your PC and Microsoft Plus Pack
Check out what Geocities actually started... I became a Web Designer for Jasc Software (The makers of Paint Shop Pro) then started my own business creating and designing Multimedia and Web applications among other things And imagine, it all started with this page in '96... who'd a thunk it?
P.S. I am leaving the formatting, links, and coding in tact for prosperity. What am I doing now? I now am the Sr. Web Designer for Target Technology Services. Go figure...
Update * Nov. 30, 2007 and still here. Gotta love Geocities!