Hello....Amitav...Naam to Suna Hoga



Come on give your Intro...

Name       : Amitav Ranjan Singh
HomeTown   : Patna,India
Friends call me Bagchi(Don't ask me why)

Contact Info...

1605 East Cliff Road,Apt # 219
Burnsville,MN 55337

See Me ..Feel Me..Don't Touch Me My Album


For a person who is guided by light..Sun is the destination..and for that man it is very difficult to see his shadow..Therefore I find it difficult to describe myself..But anyway let me make a fair attempt...
U know when I talk to myself and try to look inside..I find I am a person who by instinct dwells in extremes..but somehow suceeds in putting up a very compoesd extetrnal self.....I mean I am driven more by impulse..but some external agent moderates my impulse...

U can find me in pain and you can find pain in me
U can find me in sentiments and you can find sentiments in me
U can find me in love and you can find love in me


A man is walking , slides and finds himself down in a hole .He yells for help. A doctor stops and asks "What is your problem?".The man responds ,I am down here can you help me get out . Doc writes a prescription, throws it down the hole and moves along.Then a priest stops ,he recites a prayer and he moves on too.Then a friend stops ,and asks what are you doing down there?He says I got down here , could you help me out.And then the friend jumps in the hole too. The man asks why did you come down ,now both of us are down here .Who will help us get out?The friend says "Joe , I have been down here with you before and we will find our way out. We are in it together.If you go down I go down with you ..."

Wonder years

  • My first crush........DPS
  • Flirting with NatureBIT Mesra
  • A small step for Amitav..A giant leap for TUL


    Face 2 Face

    My Man..My Album
    Here U can see me and rest of me...
    Class Photograph..(DPS XII-I)..'92

    My Favorites...

  • Every Man and his Dog has a home page Rajiv Shankar's HomePage.
  • Pink Edge.. The Economic Times
  • Let us go close to Hinduism The Hindu
  • Let us get even closer Geeta
  • Kingdom of Night Art Bell's HomePage
  • C-R-I-C-K-E-T
  • Back to the Future A-L-U-M-N-I


    In this remote place U are welcome again and make this counter tick

    Where can you find me...

    Thanx for trouble


    Bye...Naam to Yaad Rahega

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