Michelle's Virtual Notebook

Hello! This is my journey in learning how to write web pages. With this knowledge, I would like to develop a page about the quilt art that I enjoy doing, and also a page for the 5th grade Sunday School class my husband and I teach.

One of the web pages that I admire is by a school teacher Denise Edwards. It can be found at Page I admire.. The graphics really fit the topic. It's very easy to read and navigate. My only complaint is that when bookmarked the title is Home Page, so it's difficult to know what the page is for.

Here is an example of a line break using <BR>.
This is my second line.

Also, above I have separated paragraphs using the <P></P> tag set.

This is an example of centering text using the <CENTER></CENTER> tag set.

Also, I created the heading for my page by using the <H1></H1> tag set. The largest heading uses a value of 1 in the tag.

Here is a list of reading that I enjoy, using the <OL></OL>, <LI></LI>, and <UL></UL> tag set.

Favorite Books
  1. Non-fiction
  2. Fiction

I've also learned to create this link for my Quilt Art page.
Michelle's Quilt Art Page