Actually it is now January 2007 and this page has been up for 8 years! Wow, how time flies. Well, it's been several years since I've updated this site. In those years I have experienced many changes and I've written about some of them. Once I find the things I have written, I'll share them with you. Jan 16, 2004.
Wow, does time fly! I am just setting up this site. Over the next while I will be filling these 11 megabytes with writing, poetry and plays.
I hope you stop back soon, bookmark this spot.
Well now it's June 2006 and they are threatening to close this site unless I edit it somehow. Well, that's done now. Enjoy! the face on the other end of this page
Feb. 27, 2004.This is an old shot but I still look the same.Maybe a bit heavier. Oh yeah, I am now growing a moustache. A tickler. Ahem, if you know what I mean.Taken Dec. 5/99

And here are the long awaited poems. Hope you like them. More to come as time goes by. Please let me know what you think.

The following notes are in chronological order, the newest at the bottom. They start on October 30, 1998 and are totally optional reading. Head for the blue links near the middle of the page to get to the real writing.

It is the night before Hallowe'en. Kids are having a sleepover tonight. Seems like I am getting a few hits on the page, the other page I have gets about 25 a day so I have a ways to go. Most of what you will see here will be reminiscences. I am 46 and have been married twice, second time with three kids born into it. Oct 98
I stay at home while my wife works, teaches nursing. I spend most of my tme with our 5 year old and love it. She is a very intelligent and funny kid. I will post some pics here of us all soon, to make this a bit warmer. Not many graphics though, so you don't have to wait for things to load. How about some of my computer tips? I might do a few pages of them. Later.
Some thoughts about web pages and web space. Hopefully you will join the club and get your own page. They are very easy to set up and edit. With all of the editors available, you don't have to know very much about the HTML language at all. The latest concept on the web is the idea that people will use remote web sites as backup devices. You would take some space on a site somewhere and put the important files there, maybe password protected, at worst they would be read-only, at best they would be hidden. Then you could format your drive or do whatever, install the new operating system and then retrieve the files from the remote site. Or you could just leave them there for when you need them or put them in a couple of different places for safekeeping. Neat idea, I think. At least one company is doing this commercially.
As far as content goes, some of the most content-intensive pages I have found on the Web are those of the hacker/crakcer crowd. Some are in the States, not too many due to the repressive laws there, others are in Poland, Sweden, countries like that. Lots of words, lots on instructions, lots of bad spelling, but some obvious brains behind the site (unlike this one!). Other sites in this group are meticulously laid out with tables and frames, etc. and show a very high level of design sense. It is best not to seek out these sites if you are using Explorer. You may be attacked by a lethal Active-x bug. Better to use Netscape or Opera.
Hallowe'een last night, this is the morning after. Remember that rum doesn't mix with chat rooms or email to people you haven't written to in a long while. I should have a breathalyzer set up on the computer so I can't use it if I have had a snifter or two. More later when my head clears up. (So where is the poetry they scream). I will post some, believe me. Nov. 98

Here is the link to my ongoing mystery "Butch McQuire". Please note that this was started in 1990, long before Mark McQuire was a BIG star. But I kept the name 'cause it sounds good and because Mark is such a good guy.

Over here is a bunch of thoughts on people I used to know.

And here are the long awaited poems. Hope you like them. More to come as time goes by. Please let me know what you think.
Well, today I did the thing I have been wanting to do for awhile, I put up my Butch saga, just about all the I have written. It will change now and then as I add and subtract and edit it, so if you like it, let me know and if you want to BUY it, call collect. All of the material here is copyright 1998 by Brian Mahoney. That's me.
Today our youngest daughter and I were in the paper, color picture and all! I had done a subway safety audit as a community member and the newspaper did a spread on the results of that study. We spent an hour or so down in the subway station getting our pictures taken by a very nice and professional photog. Ah, fleeting fame. Go read Butch and call me in the morning.

Well, it has been a few days since I have been able to get back and add a few lines. Butch has been getting some hits, which is great. I am trying to edit it, as in add some more paragraphs but Geocities editor doesn't seem to want to help me out. I will have to add some more links to new sections of it. Bear with me and I might be able to do it tonight, Saturday.

Well, it is 1999 now and the snow hit Toronto with a vengeance. It is January 29th today and most of the snow is black muck mostly.
I should explain about Butch, the novel on the next two pages.
You might ask, why is there no proper punctuation in it, as in quotation marks, etc.
It is a compilation of many parts from all over my computer.
Once I finally got them out of Word and into Wordperfect,
then into text,well, there was a lot missing.
I will get some punctuation in it soon, trust me on that.

The news today is that I put a link from my computer page
to this one so I should be getting a lot more hits.
Maybe a lot more criticism but, hey, that's learning too!
Hello! It's April 7th and I am almost 47. Ugh! Oh yeah, I only write, surf and do web pages part time. Otherwise I am with our three kids, aged 5, 9 and 10.
November 30/1999 Well, it's been a while since I have checked back here or done any work on this site. This is so typical of many sites out here in space and it kind of makes me mad when I come across one like it. So, here goes. We're going to spruce the place up today for any special visitors who might stop by.
I'm going to add some poems today, most of which were written back in the late 60's and all through the 70's. At that point in my career as a 'published once for money' writer, I took a hiatus of about twenty years. February 5, 2000 - Well, it's happened at last. Some new inspiration has hit. I met someone who is a poet and a 'journalist' and a very good one at that. We shared our work and found lots of interest in what the other person had written, plus a kindred spirit in things literary and in things life. I'm more than twice her age but she is teaching me a lot about perseverence and the value of what we have to say, even if no one ever reads it.
Get your own Geocities page, 11 megabytes of space for a song. Can you sing? Email me at in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit.

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