Sci-Fi & Fantasy Art Gallery

One of my hobbies is drawing, where I like to experiment with the images and effects one can generate with just black and white, so here is a gallery of some of my work I am also a member of Elfwood who provide an excelent site for amature artists where I have a gallery in their fantasy art section. I am also part of the Official SoHo Art Gallery.

Also if RPG's are for you, then visit Troll Lord Games (if you dare).

Blu-tack Cat Death Gallery

Are you in touch with your sick side?

If you are of a nervous disposition or a member of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cuelty to Blu-tack Cats then please do not click here. Otherwise, be my guest...

The gallery is hosted by kind permission or Real Thinking


It is my intention to put other bits of more or less usefull stuff here as and when I compile it into a state for distribution.

Contact me at

Links to the beautiful and the bizarre...

Page updated : 12 Sep 2000   Email :

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