Pam Brown is the author of many
books of poetry and prose. Recent titles include Drifting
topoi published in 2000 by Vagabond Press, Rare Object Series,
Text thing published by Little Esther Books in 2002 and Dear Deliria (New and Selected Poems) from Salt Publishing in 2003.
She has also written collaborative texts for performance and made short
films and video. Pam Brown lives in Sydney. To visit her more recent
web site, updated in 2008, click here.
List of Publications
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In April 2002, Randolph Healy's Wild Honey Press published
747 poems and in May 2005, Vagabond Press Stray
Dog Editions published Let's Get Lost, a sequence of poems
from Pam Brown in Trastevere, Rome in correspondence
with Ken Bolton and Laurie Duggan.
In September 2007, Susan Schultz's Tinfish Press published
farout_ library_software, a book of poems written in collaboration
with Seattle-based, Egyptian poet Maged Zaher.
Pam Brown & Susan Schultz - a collaboration John Kinsella & Pam Brown in conversation
Poems published online
for the International Corporation
of Lost Structures - ICOLS
Pam Brown sound files in The Red Room
On editing James Schuyler -
Pam Brown in conversation
with editors Simon Pettet, William Corbett and Nathan Kernan
Illustrated interview - Pam Brown talking to Carolyn Burke
(the biographer of modernist poet Mina Loy)
Selected editing & reviewing - extras.
Pages on New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre - nzepc
Anecdotes - Towards the 70s and Petersham Days
the books.
Blog - The Deletions Email contact - PdotBrownatyahoodotcom